I work magic / snap actions into place / make relationships great / align with who I’m designed like / make no mistake / I take great pride in my invested time / because I know something nice will come out of the journey or ride / friends are like dice / you need them to play but they also need to live their life / so you roll with the times / my soul aligns with anyone who’s had it rough / because that’s where the personality shows your heart and how you made it through / not just luck / not some bluff to sell some stuff / but to be a crew / only a few can truly do it / those are the ones you know are the coolest / high class not foolish / always knowing what they are doing / never leaving everything up to you on some rudeness / there’s a balance within each movement / masters of the universe / but a student too / never out to prove it / always creating something new / grooving to the music / down to build and improve / my soul aligns with the true / because they know what it takes to be who they are without excuses / maybe take a couple bruises / but that’s because they are human
My soul aligns with creatives / thinkers and innovators / who laugh at haters and complacent behavior / for real they are my favorites / because I relate to that on a daily basis / old souls are the greatest / they’re the most mature regardless of their ages / I’d like to thank them for their patience / and having the wisdom of the ancients / my soul aligns with those spiritually awakened / who stimulate deep meditation in any situation / they don’t believe in fakeness / they’ve seen things from their own eyes and observations / they always strive for greatness / solving problems and paving the pavement / my soul aligns with those who are funny and outrageous / because humor is something of a dedication / I love being in their presence and behaviorism / my soul aligns with great minds / where time doesn’t exist between our lives / where success is cherished and respect never perishes / the true masterminds of greatness and inspiration in times