I wish money was something we could just have through trusting / the better you treat others the more luxurious you are worth in substance / wanting nothing is pure bliss / to minimize the material list / too much can make you quit / abundance is different / there is always a substantial amount given / not just something you have to maintain or fix / if we all lived good we wouldn’t have to bitch / it’s important to have some mix / to diversify and richen how we exist / if love was a currency it would fulfill all of the worlds insecurities / no one would have to worry about paying bills or mortgages / all they would have to do is support their local community / do things that improve new techniques and ingenuity / everyone’s voice would be heard not ignored / no one would get bored too easily / freedom would be the standard of living / giving would be the economical stimulation / everyone would get paid in the bank statement / for making the world a better place / saying thanks would give you a promotion or raise / you could take a vacation anytime you needed to get away
If love were a currency it wouldn’t worry me / I’d be putting in work to create opportunity / it wouldn’t feel dirty / I’d be flourishing / it would be worth for me / I could earn everything through my compassion and understanding / if love were a currency
The first thing that comes to mind is how nice it would effect our lives and time / we wouldn’t be able to bribe / all we would have to do is try / lies wouldn’t pay off / crimes couldn’t thrive / instead we would be compensated by how we strive / everyday would be a joyride / you could wake up and have everything you need / whenever you go outside the whole neighborhood would be alive / bringing you gifts and treating you kind / you wouldn’t despise / humanity would grow so wise / if you needed advice everyone would share a piece of their pie / your spirit would fly / you could feel high without smoking or losing your mind / the vibe would always be good and bright so you don’t have to fight / if love were a currency life would be alright / people would support you even if you didn’t ask / they’d tell you about their passions / you could kick back and have some laughs / truth wouldn’t be about the facts / it would all be about your actions that last / you wouldn’t worry about the past because the moment would be all that you understand / so how can we make this happen? / let’s start by loving and having a good time / let’s respect each other’s lives and keep the best in mind / love will manifest and we can get back to enjoying life