I've been researching fasting and turmeric and all of the amazing benefits. So there has been cases where fasting kills cancer and repairs trauma that your body has undergone. Of course I tried the diet and have been drinking turmeric every night. It's been 3 days and I have already gained feeling in my feet from having some neuropathy from diabetes type 2 since 2017. Also my vision is improving, I can see things closer but not far away yet. I'm also not feeling like I need to eat all day and due to that I am dropping weight. This is great, I recommend it to everyone!
Almond Milk / Turmeric Powder & Black Pepper (Just a pinch)
Fruit & Plant based foods 3 times a day
Cucumber juice, lemon juice & apple cider vinegar
4 hours of digestion and 8-12 hours of fasting.
It takes 4 hours for food to digest, after that your body starts natural healing through not having to spend its energy on digestion and to start working on repairing. So figure out a schedule to eat, digest and fast and let the healing begin!